Sunday, December 11, 2011

Random Thoughts

Every author writes from his or her own viewpoint, and although he or she may try to be objective, it is hard not to have a bias. We are all writers. We write our own story. We write from our point of view. But truth is objective. The more we stretch ourselves to see beyond our subjective lenses, the more we see the truth and the more truth we receive. If we stay on that path, eventually, truth can set us free.

The more we recognize the subjectivity of our own observations the more we open ourselves up to the possibility of a knowledge of truth.

Don't confuse being smothered by someone else as being smothered by a thick mist of darkness. Often we blame others for our own ignorance. Too often the choke hold is not oppression by another person but the cloud of distorted perceptions that hangs over us. Emancipation from the bondage of sin and ignorance is completely up to us no matter how much we think others are stepping on our toes.

When we think of addictions we normally think of substances, but what about people? What about relationships? Think of the wicked mother in last year's Disney movie Tangled. Her need for Rapunzel was beyond normal for Rapunzel held the key to youth. so she supposed. And that key to youth, she supposed, was the key to happiness. Rapunzels fake mom was addicted. She was dependent, for that is the word for it. She thought happiness came from other people. And Rapunzel, was also dependent for she was under a spell: the spell of ignorance and did not know that she was not a daughter of a peasant, but really was a princess. We don't need to end relationships to end the behaviors that entangle us, we just need to break free without breaking up. But we have to recognize the emotional addictions for what they are and see when we are dependent.

Purging yards of trees seemed a sad and unnecessary waste until we consider who the Gardner really is. When hearts are purified and cleansed, in a similar way, we realize that sometimes we even have to sacrifice favorite things in order to be truly born again.

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