Friday, November 30, 2012

The Have To's and the Want To's

Desires and passions can be positive pressure in our lives. Positive pressure provides motivation, increased ambition and true devotion.  It is opposite of negative pressure.  You can often tell the difference by how you answer the want to/have to questions.

Do I have to go to church?  Negative pressure. Do I want to go church? Positive pressure.

Do I have to celebrate Christmas and open lots of presents? Do I have inherit a million dollars?  The answers to these questions seem pretty silly because the positives should outweigh the negatives in the above sentences. The want to's should outweigh the have to's.

Isn't it sad that some people feel like they have to follow the Savior?  It really is like someone complaining that they have to wear oven mitts to take freshly baked cookies, on a hot cookie tray, out of a hot oven. We should want to follow the Savior just as we would want to protect our hands from getting burned and enjoy homemade cookies!

Isn't it about time to turn the have to's in our lives into the want to's? Let's start with the Savior and his gospel. Do we want to go to church, keep the commandments, repent of our sins?  Do we want to be baptized, be conferred the gift of the Holy Ghost and renew our sacred covenants thru  meaningfully partaking of the sacrament each week?  Do we want to serve a mission, remain chaste before a temple marriage and perfectly faithful after our temple marriage ceremony?  Do we want to have children, spend time with our family, read the scriptures together, and work to provide the necessities of life, or have the have to's negatively stolen our peace and happiness by poisoning us with negative pressure and negative feelings?

If we are constantly complaining about what we have to do we need to pray to the Lord for help and for a change of heart. With a want-to mighty change of heart, we can use the power of faith and positive pressure in our lives to move mountains.  When we understand the power of a mighty change of heart we can understand the following scriptures more fully.

"They had no more desire to do evil but to do good continually." Alma 19:33 see Mosiah Chapters 1-6.

"For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance." D & C 1:31

Perhaps the one that came running, and knelt before the Savior and asked "Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?", then when asked to sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.", felt the negative pressure of the have to's instead of the want to's to forsake all. See Mark 10:21-22. 

In contrast the Lamanite king that wanted eternal life and joy so much that he said "I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy."
and then prayed, “O God, I will give away all my sins to know thee." Alma 22:18

A slight change in the following primary song, sung at the right moment in our lives, might make a difference between the want to's and the have to's.

"If you chance to meet a have to, do not let it stay, quickly turn it upside down and want that have to away."

May our hearts constantly reflect a willingness to know the will of God and to do His will.

Let us want to love and serve God with all our heart might mind and strength is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.