Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thoughts from Facebook

It has been over a month since my last entry on this blog.  Instead of blogging I found myself writing down thoughts and posting them on my Facebook page.  Here are a few of those entries:

I believe the central message of the story of the musical I watched last night is that lasting love requires real trust which requires complete honesty which requires deep open communication which requires a pure heart with nothing to hide, holds nothing back, and does not have to or want to lie to anyone about anything.

God expand our capacity to bear one another’s burdens in addition to our own. Some people are hit with such devastating pain that they can hardly function. As we seek to easy their pain, let us appreciate more fully the incomprehensible pain Christ suffered for us, to save us and bear our burdens.

In His darkest hour and the agony of His Gethsemane, He did not abandon us then, why would He abandon us now?

Trusting in the Lord sometimes requires that we trust that He chooses to tell us the truth thru other people. 3 sessions of conference later I am more convinced that I am not a sheep being led by blind guides but a son of God and a member of a church lead by men and women of God. My testimony is a gift from God. A cherished gift, blessed by the testimonies of others who also were given this gift. It truly is a gift!

Life will always be busy. Life will always be complicated. There will always be trials. There will always be drama. Contentment is not looking for happiness around the corner, it is embracing the present and wrapping your arms around all the little blessings that surround you.

Life is ultimately about what you know, how you live, who you are, and if you loved. So learn, live, laugh, and love and life will bless you with abundance.

My deepest desire is to be close enough to heaven to recognize the guiding messages and tender promptings that come from a loving God who has patiently waited, with open arms, for me to correct the many mistakes I have made and the disappointing detours I have taken. No matter how faint His voice or how foolish my endeavors, He keeps His promises when I keep His commandments. How priceless is His kindness.

Tomorrow is defined by the minutes lived today. So live today as God intended, full of love and good cheer. And when tomorrow meets you, no matter how difficult the day, it will know you are a good soul and celebrate having passed your way.

i can enjoy Hawaii today because brave men and women paid the ultimate price in defending it. I can worship God, according to the dictates of my own conscience, because patriots and pioneers paid a bitter price to preserve it. I can have the hope of eternity with my family because my Savior redeemed my soul with innocent blood. May my own sacrifices be an expression of my deepest, deepest gratitude.

My life has meaning and purpose because my love for God and knowledge that He lives confirms my belief that families can be together forever. I am so grateful for my little women and the smiles that they bring. Life is too short not to hold them, hold on to them & tell them that I love them. May I serve them & love them all the days of my life & to my dying breath defend the truth that I know that my Redeemer lives!

Although the tradition is to bless the children before school, the overwhelming feeling, this father experienced, is that these children, these precious angels, are the real blessing.

47 years ago tomorrow i started my journey through mortality. Since that time i have served a mission, graduated from college and met and married a beautiful woman. Together we have three beautiful girls. I have been so very blessed! Things are different now. But God has made up the difference. In fact, God has made all the difference! If the future is anything like the past, it will be because God is in the details. I will praise Him all the remainder of my days! My life is filled with so much joy because I know that my Redeemer lives!


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