Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Not All About You

Yesterday was my birthday. I am past the halfway mark. In fact, halftime was several years in my rear view mirror.

It was fitting that my birthday, this year, would fall on Friday the 13th. I am not superstitious, so I am not embarrassed to say that I was born on Friday the 13th. Many jokes have been had at my expense when I tell people this little fact.

There wasn't anything unlucky about yesterday. In fact, it was a wonderful day. I received dozens of birthday messages on Facebook. Yesterday was my casts turn to perform at Rodgers Memorial Theatre. Afterwards, both casts had a pool party.

Perhaps the best part of the day was the little card I got from my 10 year old daughter, Makall. It was homemade. She drew all the pictures. The pictures represented each of the years of her life. Unfortunately, I can't scan in the card, but here are the words from the card as only Makall could write them.

To the #1 Dad

Year 5
I had loved it when you kissed me on my tiny little head
and asked me to say the prayer before I went to bed.

Year 6
I loved it when you sang me your funny made up songs
and hummed that tiny tune in your head and asked me to sing along.

Year 7
I loved it when you made up your own big humongous words
like hold on to your "snikies", that's one I've never heard.

Year 8
I loved it when you cooked up food that mother loves to make,
but one thing that you didn't know is that I really love to bake.

Year 9
I loved it when you let me try on all your ties,
as long as I didn't spill any pen, ink, or dyes.

Year 10
I love you Dad with all my heart
No matter how much I use my art!

Happy Birthday Day.

I discovered something on my birthday that was a priceless gift. It was a simple yet profound truth and that was this: even though it was my birthday, it really wasn't about me.

When the performer, on stage, realizes that it's not about him and that it is really about the audience, that is when the performer really gets it and really gives a good performance. It's not about attention seeking. It is all about audience participation. Connecting with people. Have a two way conversation. Giving all your heart to touch someone else's.

And all those notes sent to me via the Internet. I intend to respond to all the thoughtful messages sent to me on my birthday cuz it's not all about me, it is about saying thank you to those who took the time to reach out and wish me a happy day. That is what makes Facebook work. Not the pay per click ads or all the sales pitches. Not the self serving bragging or begging. It is about people being friendly and nice and reaching out to each other.

The newspaper said some nice things about the Music Man, and our cast. Again, it's not about me or one or both casts, or which cast is better. It is about the audience and their experience. Each night when we have curtain call and we bow, it is a bow of thanks, not a bunch of ego's on stage.

It is too bad it took half my life to finally see it. Let's hope the second act is better than the first.

Who said Friday the 13th is unlucky?

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