Some of my random Facebook entries for the past few weeks.
The journeys that will bring so many together this weekend remind us that in lifes greatest journey we can pause to celebrate each others journey and gladly cheer each other along. We can still remain close even if we dont live close and we can gladly share blessings and lift burdens. To those Wildcats we will see and those we will miss, God speed in your own little journey!
What greater joy than to make a child smile. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these. . . ye have done it unto me.
Sweet, tender, and beautiful. Words that describe the worth of a soul.
Priceless is the sweetness of a meek and lowly soul. Children radiate such sweetness and their innocence is divine. Hold a child and you hold a treasure greater than gold. Be like a child and you walk with God.
Joy is an interesting thing. It includes laughter at the appropriate things that bring laughter. It is easy going, at times, and doesn't take things that do not matter much too seriously but rejoices in things that are eternal. Joy isn't grumpy. It can laugh at itself but still brings a rush of happy tears for tender moments and tender mercies of things that matter most. It is, of course, happy and cheerful because it realizes that, in spite of the pain, there is joy in the journey.
Gratitude not only reflects what i have and how i feel about my past it also gives me hope for the future. Gratitude helps heal my heart of hurts and warms my soul with joy & peace. This joy and peace is as priceless as the people in my life both old & young. People are my greatest joy and happiness and i am blessed and lucky to have such great people in my life. So thanks friends & family for the love & happiness.
Blinded by stubbornness we so often stumble along.
Sometimes we confuse intentions with feelings. Saying how we feel about something and saying that we are going to do something are two different things. While it is important to recognize true feelings, it is critical to match honest words with honest actions. Our lives are a constant reflection of our words, our actions, and our true intentions.
Missionaries starting out remind those of us who once were blessed to wear similar suits to serve the Lord, that God is anxious to bless us and help us and love all of us. May we be as excited and devoted as these 18 year olds who are ready and willing to give up so much for people they don't even know. Or as Elder Bybee pointed out today, eternal friends who are waiting for us to find them. Four simple words: I found my friend.
When we compromise we share happiness. When we cooperate we share happiness. When, in the pursuit of happiness, we infringe on the happiness of others, that usually equates to selfishness.
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