Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Outside Influences

Has Women’s Lib turned into women leave?

I don’t know how scientifically true that statement is, but to the following people, science doesn’t matter. In each of their situations, wives have left their husbands.

During the two and a half year period of time than my marriage has been falling apart and coming to an end, I have been introduced to people, I believe not by accident, who have faced divorce. Here is a snapshot of their stories.

While performing in a musical, I met another cast member whose mother abandoned her family when she was 13 years old. My fellow cast member said that her mother was so caught up in steamy romance novels that one day she told her husband she wasn’t happy with her life. She not only left her husband she left the church.

During my crisis, a former missionary companion of mine was going thru a crisis of his own. His wife was cheating on him with a guy she met at the gym. My friend’s wife had recently lost a tremendous amount of weight, and her new appearance was strikingly beautiful. Men at the gym clamored over her and eventually, after her affair, she divorced her husband and married a 27 year old. She was 41.

Another good friend of mine’s wife told him that he wasn’t general authority material and left.

Another person I met, his wife decided that he was too controlling and she left.

Another friend of mine has a brother who has a wife who takes trips to Las Vegas, without him, to meet other men.

Another cast member, from a different musical I performed in, told me that his own wife, just that year, had met a boyfriend on the internet and decided that her new love was more important than her marriage and filed for divorce. Several months after the divorce she realized her mistake. Right now he is trying to figure out if he should take her back.

Another friend told me that his first wife met someone in real estate school. She had an affair with a younger man, and eventually left my friend and the church.

Another cast member told me of a woman she knew who left her husband for someone she met over the internet. This woman’s friend had flown to Amsterdam and had an affair that lasted 3 months. In that situation, the woman’s husband divorced her. She had a 19 year old missionary in the field at the time.

During this short period of time I heard story after story of heartbreak and divorce. Some hadn’t even reached the point of divorce yet. And all of the stories came from people who were my friends, fellow cast members and fellow ward members. I didn’t have to look very far to see decimating stories of marriage demise.

Many marriages have problems and often the problems themselves lead to divorce. But in many of these situations it was the outside forces, not the marriage problems, that escalating the divorce.

I would lose the argument that there are not valid reasons for divorce. But for all the valid reasons out there, I believe there are a huge amount of blatantly obvious marriage failures that are due to the unfaithfulness of a spouse. And unfaithfulness doesn’t always mean the traditional affair. Unfaithfulness starts with loneliness and looking, flirting and texting, emotional attachment and emotional affairs, long before any real cheating.

Sadly I recently have fallen victim to looking, flirting, and texting. Only now am I realizing how powerful and devastating outside influences can be.

This idea of outside influences reminds me of a scripture warning of the last days:

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts. 2 Timothy 3:6

There are two sides to every story. And of course it takes two to ruin a marriage. Just warn your wives and your daughters, however, that outside forces strike when your not looking.

1 comment:

  1. I think it all boils down to keeping your guard up against the adversary whose #1 goal is to destroy families. In the analogy of the vineyard in the Book of Mormon, the servants let their guard down when they thought it was safe and that's when they were attacked.
    I just read this quote on Facebook: You may think the grass is greener on the other side, but if you'd take the time to water your own grass it would be just as green. It's hard to keep your grass alive if someone else is poisoning it, but we can each have to do our best and help our partners do the same.
