I found myself running out of time this week and realized i needed to prioritize and eliminate some things in my life. I thought about Facebook and the time I spend on it. Although there have been a lot of good things from Facebook, I decided to publicly give it a break. Here is what I wrote:
I'm leaving Facebook for awhile. I have probably outstayed my welcome anyway. But I have found new friends and reunited with old friends and have enjoyed keeping up with family. I have also shared thoughts and feelings I have about the Savior and my love for him. People say follow your heart and I think that doesn't mean just do things your own way. I believe that there is a right and wrong to every question. I believe that the light of Christ is given to all men, women and children. I believe the knowledge of good and evil go all the way back to Adam. I know in my heart that there is a God whose Spirit speaks, guides and teaches truth. I have found the love of my life, and with my three sweet girls, I plan to spend the next few months with all of them celebrating the reason for the season. Until we chat again, God be with you:)
Within hours I received 45 likes and 10 comments. I was also surprised at how many people privately sent me a message saying that my status updates were inspirational and that they would miss me.
Of course I won't leave Facebook forever, I put it off for at time. That is what missionaries also need to do. They need to put the past and the future off for a time and devote their whole heart, might, mind, and strength to the work. 24/7.
Missionaries who were heavily involved in college sports or plan on playing college sports when they come home have a hard time in the mission field because they are thinking about their future. Missionaries who are home sick for mom, their bed, their friends and their hobbies, have a hard time in the mission field as well. Missionaries who have girls waiting at home also have a difficult time losing themselves in the work because so many are afraid that while they are gone, they will lose the one they love.
No matter what the preoccupation, the priority problem almost always manifests itself in the work.
Just as I am giving up some things to focus more on others, Missionaries are expected to give up, for a time, the things that distract their hearts. "You cannot serve two masters", the Savior once said, "You cannot serve God and mammon." In the Doctrine & Covenants, the famous phrase in Section 121 is also on point: "Many are called but few are chosen because their hearts are set on the things of the world and they aspire the honors of men" which for the missionary also includes women.
The phrase "Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better" isn't just for missionaries, it is for all of us. When we faithfully serve the Savior, with and eye single to His glory, He blesses us in so many ways.
Farewell Facebook for a season! Especially the Christmas Season!