Christ helps us temper anger with charity. We can change contention to compassion through the miracle of His redeeming love.
The less we take ourselves too seriously the less we are offended by the sins of others. Sure sin is absolutely wrong but Christ absolutely paid for all of it. Perhaps it is the sins we ourselves have not overcome and repented of that make us so anxious and worried about the sins of others. When we lack humility we lack compassion and we over-exaggerate the long term effect of any sin. Christ suffered so we would not have to suffer with any part of sin. When we lack humility we are much more alarmed at the actions and the addictions of others because we are not at peace with ourselves. This does not justify to the least degree of allowance any sin. Victims of sin really do exist and the pain and even the horror of some consequences of sin are sickening and evil and devastating. But in these darkest moments of life, when evil has killed all hope of joy and happiness, run to a Savior who succors as much as He suffered.
Repentance is a process of recognizing and changing. Life is a process of recognizing and changing. With these two truths in mind now reconsider the scripture "the natural man is an enemy to God." (see Mosiah 3:7) "Yielding to the enticings of the Holy Spirit" is a form of recognizing. "Putting off the natural man" is a process of changing. To "become a saint" we must be "willing to submit to all things," especially repentance. We must be willing to submit to the process of repentance for real change to take place. Saints become saints because they repent.
Without the grace of Jesus Christ repentance is incomplete. The Atonement is the central act that makes repentance possible in the first place. How do we know we have repented? His grace is sufficient to forgive us and transform us. We know we have repented when the Holy Spirit confirms it. God freely forgives those who truly repent.