Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What is your favorite restaurant?

I want to ask you a question:

What is your favorite restaurant?

Picture in your mind your favorite restaurant. It could be fine dining, a steak house, fast food, or even a roadside café.

Now think of your favorite menu item. Doesn’t it just make you hungry thinking about it? Don’t you long to eat there again soon?

We all long for things: some long for a lost puppy, some long for a missionary in the mission field, some long for the loss of a loved one.

There are so many things in life to long for, hunger for, and yearn for.

Is the gospel on the list?

"For what we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determine who we are — and who we will become."

Wouldn’t it have been sad to have never tried your favorite restaurant in the first place? Think of what you would have been missing.

Most restaurants have a menu. The menu represents what is offered. It describes what is available. It isn’t the food but it often tells all about it.

In our lives, the scriptures are a menu. They represent what is true. They describe what is real. The words lead us to the real food if we ask, seek, and knock. We must study the menu and make the right requests.

And what is the food?

The Savior said: "I am the Bread of Life."

He also said: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost."

To the woman at the well He said: “Come drink of living water, partake and you shall never thirst.”

The gospel is "sweet above all that is sweet and white above all that is white."

To those who don't believe, these will be just words. But if you are willing, take the taste test. Just try the pleasing word of God.

We develop a love for truth one bite at a time. The lord teaches us “line upon line.”

When you open up the scriptures, they are just words at first, like the menu, but once you discover what they are really talking about, they make sense and you can know it, you can feel it, just like tasting your favorite food.

We must do our part. But we can love doing it.

Again from the words of Elder Uchtdorf : "For what we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determine who we are — and who we will become."

Developing a love for truth happens because once we sample something good we want more of it. We desire it. We hunger for it.

So isn’t it about time that we feast upon the words of Christ?